Janine Hirtz
Assistant Director, Centre for Teaching & Learning
My key knowledge areas: As an advocate for teaching excellence within the institution, I focus on facilitating collaboration, partnerships, faculty development and support.
My role within the team: My role is to ultimately advance teaching excellence by creating a supportive environment for faculty that focuses on enhancing student learning experiences. It is crucial to be adaptable to the continuously evolving landscape of higher education, open to learning and willing to explore new approaches as I lead and support our CTL team in this work.
My background: I’ve harbored a lifelong passion for learning and the vibrant campus environment. As a social constructivist, I delved into Teacher Professional Development and Communities of Practice for my Master’s thesis. Since 2004, I’ve been an integral part of the Centre for Teaching and Learning, witnessing its dynamic evolution in response to the ever-shifting landscape of higher education. My love for learning has led me to embrace challenges as valuable opportunities for self-reflection, allowing us to improve teaching practices and enhance learning environments to meet the diverse needs of our students and program goals.
When I’m not working… you can find me in my garden, on the golf course or popping wheelies on my e-bike and curling in the winter months. My greatest joy comes from family time with my children and grandchildren.
Research & Publications relevant to work at the CTL:
- Balcaen, P.L & Hirtz, J.R., 2007. Developing Critically Thoughtful e-Learning Communities of Practice, Electronic Journal of e-Learning, vol.5, issue 3, pp. 173-182