Year | Publication |
2024 | Hoekstra F, Gainforth HL, Broeksteeg R, Corras S, Collins D, Eleftheriadou E, Gaudet S, Giroux EE, Kuipers LS, McCallum S, Ma JK, de Passillé E, Rakiecki D, Rockall S, van den Berg-Emons R, van Vilsteren A, Williamson M, Wilroy J, Martin Ginis KA. The co-development and evaluation of an e-learning course on spinal cord injury physical activity counselling: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Mar 6;24(1):240. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05141-7 – Lar-Son K, Langille D, Wuetherick B, & Kootenayoo T. (eds.) (forthcoming). Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education. (to be submitted to press in April 2024). – Wang, K., & Lawrence, R. (2024). HelpMe: Student Help Seeking using Office Hours and Email. In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2024) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-7). Portland, OR, USA: ACM DOI: – Kevin Wang, Jason Ramos, and Ramon Lawrence. “ChatEd: A Chatbot Leveraging ChatGPT for an Enhanced Learning Experience in Higher Education”. In The INTED2024 Proceedings of the 18th International Technology, Education, and Development Conference, March 4-6, 2024, Valencia, Spain, ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9,, pages 6580-6589. arXiv: |
2023 | Azizi M, Foote S, Imad M, Wuetherick B, & Caulkins J (2023). Humanizing STEM Education: An Exploratory Study of Faculty Approaches to Course Redesign, Frontiers in Education (special issue – Centering Humanism in STEM Education), published for online early access. – Lawrence, R., Foss, S., & Urazova, T. (2023). Evaluation of Submission Limits and Regression Penalties to Improve Student Behavior with Automatic Assessment Systems. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 23(3), 1-24 DOI: – Wang, K., Akins, S., Mohammed, A., & Lawrence, R. (2023). Mastery or AI Deception? Analyzing ChatGPT’s Assessment Proficiency and Evaluating Detection Strategies. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2023) (pp. 1-7) DOI: – Wang, K., & Lawrence, R. (2023). Using Assignment Incentives to Reduce Student Procrastination and Encourage Code Review Interactions. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2023) (pp. 1-6) DOI: – Wuetherick B, Baker N, Germaine-Rutherford A, Graham D, Hornsby D, & Turner N (forthcoming). “Online Learning, Open Education and Equity in the Age of COVID”, (submitted to press in October 2023) |
2022 | Foss, S., Urazova, T., & Lawrence, R. (2022). Automatic Generation and Marking of UML Database Design Diagrams. In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2022) (pp. 626–632) DOI: – Moore J, Shanahan J, & Wuetherick B. (2022). “Scaling Up Access to High-Impact, Mentored Undergraduate Research Experiences”, in Mighty J, Christensen-Hughes J, and Stockley D (eds.) Taking Stock 2.0: Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Montreal, QC: McGill-Queens University Press. |
2021 | Hum G, Wuetherick B, & Jang Y. (2021). “Beyond Analytics – Supporting the Use of Qualitative Comments Through Enhanced Policies, Processes, Frameworks and Competencies” in Zaitseva E, Tucker B, & Santhanam E (eds). Analysing Student Feedback in Higher Education: Using Text-Mining to Interpret the Student Voice. London, UK: Routledge. – MacLeod A, Cameron P, Clow R, Li V, Luong V, Munroe-Lynds C, Parker R, & Wuetherick B. (2021). Educating future physicians in the time of COVID: A scoping review of online medical education (Knowledge Synthesis Report). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, ON. MacLeod A, Cameron P, Clow R, Li V, Luong V, Munroe-Lynds C, Parker R, & Wuetherick B. (2021). Educating future physicians in the time of COVID: A scoping review of online medical education (Knowledge Synthesis Report). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, ON. – Petillion, R. J., & McNeil, W. S. (2021). Student Satisfaction with Synchronous Online Organic Chemistry Laboratories: Prerecorded Video vs Livestream. Journal of Chemical Education, 98(9), 2861-2869 DOI: |
2020 | Petillion, R. J., & McNeil, W. S. (2020). Student Experiences of Emergency Remote Teaching: Impacts of Instructor Practice on Student Learning, Engagement, and Well-Being. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(9), 2486-2493 DOI: – Petillion, R. J., & McNeil, W. S. (2020). Johnstone’s Triangle as a Pedagogical Framework for Instructional Videos in Introductory Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 97(6), 1536-1542. – Wuetherick B. (2020). “Transforming Undergraduate Research at Canadian Universities”, in Hensel, N and Blessinger P (eds). International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research: Policy and Practice. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan. |
2019 | Murray S, Ryan A, & Wuetherick B. (2019). “Exploring Threshold Concepts on the Edge: Learning, Teaching and Assessment Practices”, in Timmermans J and Land R (eds). Threshold Concepts at the Edge. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishing. – Petillion, R. J., Freeman, T. K., & McNeil, W. S. (2019). The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a Framework for an Introductory Chemistry Curriculum. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(12), 2845-2851 DOI: |
2018 | Larson S, Partridge L, Walkington H, Wuetherick B & Moore J. (2018). “An international conversation about mentored undergraduate research and inquiry and academic development,” International Journal for Academic Development, 23 (1), 6-14. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2018.1415033 – Lockhart W, Wuetherick B, and Joorisity N (2018). “Exploring the Foundations for Student Success: A SoTL Journey,” Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT). Vol. 11, 11-21. DOI: 10.22329/celt.v11i0.4981 – Palmer, R., Hunt, A., Neal, M., and Wuetherick, B. (2018). “A Closer Look at Mentored Undergraduate Research: Students’ Perceptions of its Influence on Identity Development,” Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research Journal (SPUR). 2 (2), 4-14. – Palmer R, Hunt A, Neal M, and Wuetherick B. (2018). “Mentored Undergraduate Research: A Multi-Institutional Investigation into Students’ Perceptions of Identity Shifts in this Learning Sphere” in Moore J, Miller P and Vandermaas-Peeler M. (eds.). Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Washington, DC: Council for Undergraduate Research, 19-42. – Wuetherick B, Willison J, and Shanahan J. (2018). “Mentored Undergraduate Research at Scale: Undergraduate Research in Curriculum and as Pedagogy” in Moore J, Miller P and Vandermaas-Peeler M. (eds.). Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. Washington, DC: Council for Undergraduate Research, 181-202. – Wuetherick B. (2018). “Teaching Activism: Developing ‘leaders of tomorrow’ through activist approaches to service learning,” Engaged Scholar Journal. 4 (1), 107-121. DOI: |
2017 | Lunsford L, Crisp G, Dolan E, and Wuetherick B. (2017). “Mentoring in Higher Education”, in Clutterbuck D, Kochan F, Lunsford L, Dominguez N & Smith B (eds.) Sage Handbook of Mentoring. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd, 316-334 |
2016 | Wuetherick B and Yu S. (2016). “The Canadian Teaching Commons: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Canadian Higher Education,” New Directions in Teaching and Learning. 146, 23-30. DOI: 10.1002/tl.20183 – Wuetherick B, Yu S, and Greer J. (2016). “Exploring the SoTL Landscape at the University of Saskatchewan”, New Directions in Teaching and Learning. 146, 63-70. DOI: 10.1002/tl.20188 |
2015 | Palmer R, Hunt A, Neal M, and Wuetherick B. (2015). “Mentoring, Undergraduate Research and Identity Development: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda,” Mentoring and Tutoring. 23 (5), 411-426. DOI: 10.1080/13611267.2015.1126165 – Potter M and Wuetherick B. (2015). “Who is Represented in the SoTL Commons?: SoTL through the lenses of the Arts and Humanities,” Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6 (2), 1-18. DOI: 10.5206/cjsotl-rcacea.2015.2.2 – Ridsdale C, Rothwell J, Smit M, Ali-Hossan H, Bliemel M, Irvine D, Kelley D, Matwin S, & Wuetherick B. (2015). Strategies and Best Practices for Data Literacy Education: Knowledge Synthesis Report. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, ON. – Wuetherick B and Dickinson J. (2015). “Why ePortfolios?: Student perceptions of ePortfolio use in continuing higher education”, International Journal of ePortfolios. 5 (1), 39-53. |
2014 | Wuetherick B and Loeffler E. (2014). “Threshold Concepts and Decoding the Humanities: A Case Study of a Threshold Concept in Art History”, in C. O’Mahony, A. Buchanan, M O’Rourke, and B. Higgs (eds), Threshold Concepts: From Personal Practice to Communities of Practice (Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference), Dublin, Ireland: National Academy for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning, 118-122. |
2013 | McKerlich, R., Ives, C., & McGreal, R. (2013). Measuring use and creation of open educational resources in higher education. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(4), 90-103 DOI: – Spronken-Smith R, Brodeur J, Kajaks T, Luck M, Myatt P, Verburgh A, Walkington H, and Wuetherick B. (2013). “Completing the Research Cycle: A Framework and Strategies for Promoting the Student Dissemination of Research and Inquiry”, Teaching and Learning Inquiry. 1 (2), 105-118. |
2012 | Barrett MJ and Wuetherick B. (2012) “Intuition and animism as bridging concepts to Indigenous knowledges in environmental decision-making.” Transformative Dialogues, 6 (1), 1-17. – Holmes T, Manathunga C, Potter M, and Wuetherick B. (2012). “The [im]possibilities of neutrality: metaphors of nation for academic development units,” International Journal for Academic Development. 17 (3), 197-202. – Wuetherick B and Ewert-Bauer T. (2012). “Perceptions of Neutrality through a Post-Colonial Lens: Institutional Positioning in Canadian Academic Development,” International Journal for Academic Development. 17 (3), 217-229. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2012.700896 |
2011 | McKerlich, R., Riis, M., Anderson, T., & Eastman, B. (2011). Student perceptions of teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence in a virtual world. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 7(3), 324-336 JOLT – Journal of Online Learning and Teaching ( . – Wuetherick B and McLaughlin L. (2011). Students’ Perceptions of the Learning Environment: A Partnership to Enhance Our Understanding of the Undergraduate Experience. In Little S. (ed.). Staff-Student Partnerships in Higher Education. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, 185-200. |
2010 | Anderson, T., Poellhuber, B., & McKerlich, R. (2010). Self-paced learners meet social software: An exploration of learners’ attitudes, expectations, and experience. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 13(3), 1556-3847. |
2008 | Turner N, Wuetherick B, and Healey M. (2008). “Student Perceptions, Experiences, and Awareness of Research: The role of academic development in implementing research-based teaching and learning in higher education”, International Journal for Academic Development, 13 (3), 199-211. 10.1080/13601440802242333 |
2007 | Balcaen, P. L., & Hirtz, J. R. (2007). Developing critically thoughtful e-Learning communities of practice. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 5(3), 173-182 – McKerlich, R., & Anderson, T. (2007). Community of inquiry and learning in immersive environments. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 11(4) Community of inquiry and learning in immersive environments – Document – Gale Academic OneFile . |
Year | Presentation |
2023 | Bavi, A. (2023, September). Improving community engagement for blind and partially sighted visitors in museums and art galleries through gamification of digital heritage. Paper presented at the Sixteenth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, Vancouver, Canada. – Komlos, B., & Prada, L. (2023, June 13-16). Exploring a framework for the collaborative support of academic program (Re)design. Paper presented at the STLHE 2023 Convention, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada. – Prada, L., & Komlos, B. (2023, June 13-16). Collaborative approach to supporting and guiding the visioning of an interdisciplinary STEM program at UBC Okanagan. Paper presented at the STLHE 2023 Convention, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada. – Renoe, E., Vent-Schmidt, J., Komlos, B., Hampton, S., & Chan, J. (2023, April 26-28). Transforming teaching development: Intentional design of learning spaces. Paper presented at the Taylor Institute Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Calgary, AL, Canada |
2022 | Bavi, A. (2022, November). Museums and accessibility. Access, Inclusion, and Disability: Connecting Scholars and Practitioners Seminar Series. Paper presented at Carleton University Disability Research Group, Ottawa, Canada. Retrieved from – Bourne, C., Bavi, A., et al. (2022, November). The Learning Design Intern Program: Situating Graduate Students as partners during the COVID pandemic. Paper presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference, University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Canada. |