
In person delivery is the predominate mode of learning at UBCO. It is defined by UBC as “The course activity takes place in-person”. Three UBC learning technology groups are used in this mode of delivery: , Canvas, Classroom Technology and Zoom.  The following tables are a partial list of technology tools available.  For further tools please see the LT Hub or contact CTL for advice.


Social Learning
Mic set up Video Set Up Zoom Chat Breakout Groups
Captions Sharing Screen Zoom Whiteboard Zoom Whiteboard

Help with all of these elements is available on the
LT Hub Zoom Instructor Guide

Fawad Najam: Technology Tools to Create

Fawad Najam (Fawad) teaches in person in the School of Engineering. He uses technology in the classroom with the end goal of helping learners learn by creating and also to initiate feedback to help improve his teaching.

Fawad sees great potential in using technology for learner assessment. In one group assignment he encourages learners to use whatever technology tool they would like to create a knowledge product that explains a certain part of the civil engineering curriculum.  Fawad has been amazed by the creativity; learners have used short videos, video games, animations and many other expressions of their knowledge. The result is an assignment that is at the create level of Bloom’s taxonomy and uses technology in a unique way to show knowledge of a complex topic.

One unique tool that he uses weekly in his classroom is Qualtrics. This is the same tool that is used in the mid-point semester survey and Fawad uses it as a weekly open response system so he can gauge what is working and what is not working in terms of teaching. Students can access in real time using a QR code in class or by going to Canvas and accessing the link. The result is rich weekly feedback from learners which allows Fawad the opportunity to tweak his teaching based on the data.

Fawad also uses Canvas in the classroom. The course canvas shell is displayed in the room in student view and the learners provide input in its organization and content. He also creates modules with multimedia that can be used in class. The result is real time feedback at multiple points of the term that provides valuable insights as to canvas design and the ability to quickly correct while the course is still taking place.

Fawad is a firm believer in Open Educational Resources (OER) and uses OER in many of the classes he teaches – whether it be open textbooks, open data or open reports from federally funded research projects. The result is less cash outlay for learners and a rich educational experience.

Finally, through practice and preparation, Fawad has learned how to use the classroom technology well so that all learners can see, hear and participate. Well before each start of the semester, Fawad comes into the classroom space and practices the classroom set up and even sits in different parts of the class so he can experience the view of the teaching area from the learner’s perspective.  The result is a smooth start to the semester with no surprises and less stress.

Fawad’s advice
  • Practice in the room before teaching in person. Weeks before class starts go in and set up, sit in different parts of the class, try different lighting options and connections. Go several times before day one.
  • Ask for help – IT AV services are very helpful.
  • Understand lights and camera (if recording).
  • Use the lapel mic so learners can hear.
  • Stay curious. Always be on the lookout for technology that can enhance the learner’s experience.
  • Be open to how learners use technology and welcome them to use this technology to use it for their learning.
  • Keep it simple for all technology (including i-clickers)
  • Use canvas to its full potential before considering third party integrations.

A tool that introduces interactivity such as I- clicker is recommended for in person delivery modes. I-clicker can also be used for formative assessment and other learning activities. Learn more.


A tool such as AirMedia can allow a person in the back of the room project to the screen in the front or other screens in the room.  Tools like AirMedia give learners control and encourage collaboration.  Learn More.