TPS Touchpoint: Academic Integrity

This month’s highlighted results from the Teaching Practices Survey (TPS) focus on academic integrity 

  • 79% of survey participants currently discuss academic integrity in class and an additional 16% don’t but plan to do so (Okanagan Campus Report, p. 12). 
  • In terms of professional development, 63% reported interest in support related to teaching students about academic integrity, with a preference for asynchronous online resources compared to synchronous workshops. (Okanagan Campus Report, p. 12). 

If you are someone looking for teaching resources related to academic integrity, please bookmark the Teaching and Learning section of the UBC Academic Integrity website and the Resources and Support section for faculty that includes a Syllabus Language Template and Course Design and Assessment Design Checklists to help reduce academic misconduct. 

There are also several resources available for you to incorporate academic integrity content your courses, including: 

    • Writing & Plagiarism 
    • Unauthorized Collaboration & Cheating 
    • Academic Integrity in the Visual Arts 
    • Presentation slides 
    • Notes 
    • Video 

On the Take Five webpage, you can also complete a form if you are interested in having an academic integrity staff member talk to your class.  

To stay up to date on all UBC academic integrity matters, sign up for the Academic Integrity Digest. 

If you have questions about academic integrity in the context of the other AI (Generative AI), browse the GenAI FAQ webpage and check out the recording of “Academic Integrity and Assessment in the Era of Generative AI” on the Centre for Teaching and Learning YouTube channel. Also, don’t miss out on the upcoming panel, “Open Educational Resources to Promote Academic Integrity” on February 13th 9:00-10:30 am.  

The TPS 2023 Okanagan Campus report is available on the Teaching Practices Survey website in both graphic and text formats. You may also want to skim our campus highlights that include key findings and notable changes since the 2018 survey.