Barbara Komlos


Educational Consultant, Curriculum and Faculty Development


My key areas of expertise:  Course design, learner-centered syllabus, course and program-level assessment, teaching philosophy, language teaching, academic writing, qualitative research.

My role within the team:  I collaborate with most everyone on the team since curriculum and faculty development relate in some way to everyone’s work. I am an Instructional Skills Workshop facilitator, the campus lead for the Teaching Development Program for New Faculty (TDP) as well as for the 2023 Teaching Practices Survey (TPS). My portfolio also includes the Faculty Peer Mentoring Program.  

My background:  My teaching experience at the university-level includes Spanish language (B.A. in Spanish and International Studies), English for academic purposes for language learners (M.A. in Applied Linguistics) and Indigenous-themed first-year college writing (Ed.D. in Higher Education with research on factors influencing the writing success of Native American students). I also helped implement a cross-institution Indigenous Mentoring Program for faculty in STEM to better support their Indigenous graduate students. I was a member of an interdisciplinary team developing computer science outreach programming for rural and American Indian middle schoolers. More recently, I have been collaborating with the Provost’s Office in support of program (re)design and served as a member of the Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA) working group on assessment. 

When I’m not working… I am on my yoga mat or Zumba floor, enjoying the Okanagan great outdoors with my spouse and children, or attending a concert or theatre performance.  

Research & Publications relevant to work at the CTL:  

  • Komlos, B. & Prada, L. (2023, June 13-16). Exploring a Framework for the Collaborative Support of Academic Program (Re)design. STLHE 2023 Convention, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada.

  • Prada, L. & Komlos, B. (2023, June 13-16). Collaborative approach to supporting and guiding the visioning of an interdisciplinary STEM program at UBC Okanagan. STLHE 2023 Convention, Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada.