Myron Campbell

Faculty: Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies

Faculty website:

Teaching Fellow: 2023 

Courses: VISA 382, VISA 268, VISA 108

Teaching Awards: FCCS Teaching Awards for Excellence and Innovation, 2016

Teaching and Learning Activities related to Teaching Fellows

  • December 13, 2023 – Digital Badging: A ‘Choose your own Adventure’ learning tool. In this workshop collaboration with Michael Ogden and Barbara Komlos we explored the practical implementation of digital badges using Canvas through the example of my first-year visual arts course.

Teaching Fellow opportunity provides

As a Teaching Fellow, you become part of a community who places a high priority on teaching excellence and the student experience. For me, it’s provided an opportunity to share with and learn from others who are as passionate about teaching as I am. 


Teaching Passions and Philosophy

“Very simply put, I love it when students take big swings. I build an environment where they can feel comfortable experimenting and testing out new techniques, even if these result in failure. My hope is that this approach will lead them through a process of innovation with a successful end-result.”


Ongoing and Future Goals

“I continue to share my passion for visual arts and design with the hope that it will instill a similar enthusiasm in my students. Ideally, their engagement with both the process and the end-product of a creative practice will serve as a driving force that extends beyond their time within the university fostering a lifelong pursuit of creating art.”