Course Syllabus
UBC Okanagan requires all instructors, through Senate policy O-130, to inform students about the requirements, standards, objectives, and evaluation procedures at the beginning of each course section. This information needs to be provided to students in the form of a syllabus at the beginning of the course either in print or digital format. If a change needs to be made, it must be announced well in advance of the change and confirmed in writing, if possible.
The syllabus is a public document that serves different audiences. For example, it is the official document that facilitates the transfer of course credits should a student enroll in a program at another institution.
At the program level, the syllabus helps provide transparency and consistency so that regardless of section or instructor, students can expect to gain similar knowledge and skills for a particular course.
For instructors, the syllabus serves many purposes, including outlining the course, communicating expectations, and providing resources in alignment with UBC Okanagan policies. For students, the syllabus specifies required components of a course as well as the objectives and the grading system used to assess learning.
For guidance on what to include in your syllabus, consult UBC Okanagan Senate Policy O-130: Content and Distribution of Course Syllabi (under Student Academics section) which is effective May 1st 2024.
Curriculum MAP and Syllabus Generator is a UBC platform that offers a Syllabus Generator template inclusive of best practices and policies relevant to syllabi. For example, you can select among informational text to include regarding grading practices, in-term academic concessions for missed assignments or tests, academic misconduct, student support services, etc.
The site works independently from Canvas (UBC’s learning management system) or the CWL (campus-wide login). The syllabus you create using the generator will only be accessible by you unless you choose to collaborate or share a copy. Additionally, your Faculty/School or academic department may also have a list of syllabus requirements, policies and templates.
For a checklist of policy requirements and recommendations for your syllabus, use this Syllabus Checklist (Word Document) or Syllabus Checklist (PDF).
For a step-by-step 5-minute video demo on how to prepare syllabi using the Syllabus Generator, visit the CTL YouTube channel at Resources for Syllabi at UBC.
Syllabus Language
In addition to the language around policies, statements, and resources available through the Syllabus Generator in the UBC Curriculum MAP website, we encourage instructors to consider including additional information in their course syllabi provided below.
These are not mandatory statements, but if included, would help to ensure consistency in our course syllabi across campus and provide clarity for students. Please modify the statements as necessary to be consistent with your course structure and requirements.
Regardless of how the language is adapted for your particular course needs, it is important that all expectations are stated at the beginning of the course and are revisited prior to each assessment.
Suggested syllabus language for academic integrity issues
The following statements pertain to academic misconduct issues in an online learning environment. These statements may or may not pertain to your course or assessment strategies directly, and are intended for you to select those that are most relevant. All language is suggested and can be modified as the instructor deems appropriate.
Examinations can be conducted either in closed-book or open-book formats. Regardless of the format chosen by the instructor, students are expected to abide by UBC’s rules and regulations for academic integrity. Instructors are encouraged to share the following link with their students: Student Start – Academic Integrity at UBC
Suggested Language for Closed-Book Examinations
The examinations in this course are all closed-book, so you are NOT permitted to access any of the course materials, including your notes, during the exam. You are NOT to use any search engines or other programs except for the program required to complete the exam. You are also NOT to communicate with anyone about the exam during the scheduled write time or after the examination – you are to work independently. Communication with other students (written, text, verbal, etc.) is not permitted and will constitute Academic Misconduct.
If you violate these conditions you have engaged in Academic Misconduct and will be subject to the consequences articulated in the Academic Integrity section [insert link in your course syllabus].
Students will be asked to acknowledge the academic integrity pledge prior to completing the examination. [include this statement only if you intend to use this pledge] & [instructors, please include a reference to the software being used (i.e., Respondus Lockdown Browser, Proctorio) and exam invigilation procedures]
Suggested Language for Open-Book Examinations
The examinations in this course are all open-book, i.e., you have access to any of the course materials, including your notes, during the exam. It is important to note, however, that you will likely not have enough time to look up the majority of the answers, so preparation prior to the examination is beneficial. You should prepare for these exams as if you had to do them under supervised conditions so studying for them will be necessary if you wish to succeed.
You are NOT allowed to discuss questions and answers with your peers. You are/are NOT allowed to use any search engines [instructors, please include reference to the software being used (i.e., Respondus Lockdown Browser, Proctorio) and exam invigilation procedures]
For all examinations, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that any technical issues are reported to the instructor immediately. If you cannot connect with the instructor, please document the issue or technical concern via a screenshot. This is the only circumstance in which it is appropriate to document (i.e., screenshot) exam material. Failing to report technical issues in a timely manner, may result in the issue not being resolved and may negatively impact your grade.
For this course, some of your assignments will be handed in via [replace with whatever tool you are using]. This service ensures academic integrity by scanning submitted papers for material copied from a variety of sources (including public websites, paper mills, essays/assignments previously submitted and published works, such as journals and books). For more information on the UBC policy regarding the Turnitin service, see the webpage at Turnitin | Teaching with Technology
Instructors should consider including in the syllabus the decision to restrict or allow AI tools, any details or conditions of use, as well as a rationale for students to understand how their use aligns or does not align with course learning objectives.
Suggested Language for Prohibition of Generative AI
- The use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT and other similar tools, to complete or support the completion of any form of assignment or assessment in this course is not allowed and would be considered academic misconduct.
Suggested Language for Permission of Generative AI
- Students are permitted to use artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI, to gather information, review concepts or to help produce assignments. However, students are ultimately accountable for the work they submit, and any content generated or supported by an artificial intelligence tool must be cited appropriately. Use of AI tools is not permitted during midterm exams and final exams in this course.
For more examples and suggestions, see the UBC Academic Integrity website.
Suggested components to include for online learning: Technical issues
The following statements pertain to technical issues in an online learning environment that may impact academic integrity indirectly. These statements may or may not pertain to your course directly. All language is suggested and can be modified as the instructor deems appropriate. Providing information related to technical issues will help students maintain academic integrity and succeed in their studies.
In order to engage fully with this course online, students are required to have a laptop or desktop computer and a stable Internet connection. Students are encouraged to check out this link:
This course will have a blended form of learning (i.e., both synchronous and asynchronous). While the lectures will be pre-recorded and posted (asynchronous), this course also includes live activities (synchronous; assigned and moderated virtual discussion groups) which will require a microphone; a camera (recommended) and most importantly, a quiet space.
Examinations will be completed online during the scheduled course time [e.g., XX PST]. If there are graded assessments in the synchronous components of the course, students are encouraged to send their instructor an email stating that they are not able to attend the live sessions (e.g., because of time zone conflictions) to see if possible alternative arrangements can be made. Should you have any questions please feel free to email the instructor at [].
My office hours are [e.g., Monday and Wednesday between 10:00 am – 11:00 am, PST.] The teaching assistants will have their office hours [e.g., Thursday 11:00 am – 12:00 pm PST]. All office hours will take place with Collaborate Ultra (or Zoom) [if you plan to use Zoom, please use the same Zoom ID throughout the term].
You are encouraged to use your camera, when asking questions, but it is not required. If you have any questions outside of office hours, please email the instructor. All emails will be responded to within [24 hours]. If you do not hear back from the instructor, please do not hesitate to send the instructor a reminder email.
There are a number of supports on campus to assist students with technical issues. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the software required for their courses. Instructors are also encouraged to have contact information for technical support available, should students reach out for support. For example, the Student Learning Hub’s technical support and MS Teams.
Suggested learner-centered language
There are ways that you can use language in your syllabus to set a welcoming tone and foster a positive dynamic between you and your students. Rhetoric and tone are aspects to consider in creating a learner-centered syllabus. To learn more about the learner-centered syllabus and visual syllabus, watch the Syllabus Design Workshop [Video] and review the slides.
Also, use this Learner Centred Syllabus Rubric to explore where you can start to incorporate content and update formatting to make your syllabus more responsive to the questions/needs of learners. The Rubric also provides suggestions for extending beyond the basics when you are ready. If you are looking specifically to further your understanding of land acknowledgments, their significance, and support crafting your own enroll in the self-paced land acknowledgment course.
UBC Okanagan Senate
- Resources to Support Student Success
- Academic Integrity Statement
- Academic Concession
- Senate Forms & Resources
Decolonizing the Syllabus
- Decolonizing the Syllabus, Part 1 by Kim Solga, Western University
- Decolonizing the Syllabus, Part 2 by Kim Solga, Western University
Syllabus Modalities
- Text Based – Resources for Syllabi at UBC [Video] (5-min) demonstrates how to use the Syllabus Generator, a tool to create a syllabus
- Visual Syllabus – Review Syllabus Design Workshop recording [Video] from 48:15 time stamp
- Audio – Creating a Podcasted Syllabus
Centre for Teaching & Learning
Centering Learners and Wellbeing