Instructional Strategies

Instructional strategies are techniques used to invite students to actively engage in their own learning, including to connect with new knowledge, practice a skill, reflect on dispositions, exchange viewpoints, and correct and affirm their understanding.

Instructional strategies may include individual, group, and whole class activities. In large classes, it can seem challenging to be able to engage everyone, but there are techniques that are designed/adapted for such contexts.

Also keep in mind that ‘engagement’ can range from overt speaking and performing an action to silently solving problems and composing a written response. What is important is that learners are reflecting, analyzing, applying or otherwise making meaning and connections to the subject at hand.  

Active Learning and Engaging Learners

  • Increasing Student Engagement (Stanford University): includes considerations such as background knowledge probes, peer review & other activities, Universal Design for Learning, and reflection
  • Active Learning Modules including examples for large group, small group, and individual learners (Queens University) 

Group Work and Team-Based Learning

Teaching Large Classes

  • Teaching Large Classes Guide (Vanderbilt University): includes considerations for promoting student engagement, handling grades, managing logistical issues, integrating technology

Strategies for Inclusion and Decolonization

  • Iseke-Barnes, J. M. (2008). Pedagogies for decolonizing. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 31(1), 123-148
  • Chaudhary, V. B., & Berhe, A. A. (2020). Ten simple rules for building an antiracist lab. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(10)
  • Oskineegish, M. (2020). Exploring Instructional Strategies in an Indigenous Education Course in Initial Teacher Education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 66(3)