Generating Copilot Prompts

Did you know that Microsoft rebranded Bing Chat as Copilot? Currently, faculty and students have access to the Consumer version of Copilot 

Tip of the month: How to generate an effective prompt 

Reflect on the role, task, and requirements for the chatbot to consider in constructing an effective prompt: 

Role: Act as… Task: Create a… Requirements: Be sure to… 
  • Writing expert 
  • Computer programmer 
  • Graphic designer 
  • Nurse practitioner 
  • Civil surveyor 
  • Speaker notes 
  • Video script 
  • Treatment plan 
  • Market research summary 
  • Engineering history sheet 
  • Exclude medications… 
  • Summarize findings… 
  • Analyze pros/cons …. 
  • Avoid direct answers…
  • Consider level of learners… 

Here is an example:

Act as a motivational speaker preparing for a keynote speech at a teaching and learning conference. Your topic is “Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Change in teaching using Gen AI”. Create a detailed outline for your one-hour long speech with key points, anecdotes, and takeaways for the audience. Be sure to inspire the audience with personal stories, practical strategies, and uplifting messages.

Under the Be sure to segment, highlight constraints you would like to include; specify any limitations or conditions that must be adhered to while following the instruction. For example: “Do not provide immediate answers to problems but help students generate their own answers by asking leading questions.”

We invite you to test out this prompt by copying and pasting it into Copilot! 


Gen AI Project Update:  

We met with both faculty groups for the course design using GenAI projects. Collaboratively we started defining the scope for each of the two projects. We are excited to share that one will focus on a writing assignment and the other on coding.  Stay tuned for more details to come.