Share Your Hybrid Teaching Story

Hybrid delivery mode is defined by UBC as “the course activity has a mixture of mandatory in-person and online activities as designed by the instructor”. Are you teaching in the hybrid delivery mode this semester? The typical scenario is that the course meets once a week in person with the rest of the week dedicated to online learning.  

The Center for Teaching & Learning has just released the Delivery Mode Technology Toolkit and as the name suggests this resource is organized by delivery mode. Each section features a story and related tips from a UBCO faculty member who teaches in that delivery mode.  

We would like to include a story for the hybrid section. The total time investment for sharing your story will be about 30 minutes. Context will be provided, and a discussion will unfold about how you use technology when teaching in hybrid delivery mode and what advice you would give to others. You will approve the story before it is published. 

If you are willing to tell your hybrid teaching story, please reach out to