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TPS Touchpoint: Teaching Practices & Learner Engagement

With the launch of the new academic year, this month’s highlighted results from the Teaching Practices Survey (TPS) focus on teaching practices & learner engagement. 94% of respondents agree/strongly agree that “Active learning practices (students solving problems, collaborating with one another, generating knowledge, etc.) are an effective way to promote student learning.” They reported spending […]

August 2024 | Newsletter

TPS Touchpoint: Teaching Assistants

In preparation for the new academic year, August’s Teaching Practices Survey (TPS) highlights focus on Teaching Assistants (TAs). 53% of respondents reported having TAs in the course most representative of their teaching. The largest category for TA responsibilities is providing “support outside of scheduled class hours” (60% expect this) compared with the 2nd largest category […]

Indigenous Stories – August 2024

The Seed Keeper by Diane Wilson – “Weaving together the voices of four indelible women, The Seed Keeper is a beautifully told story of reawakening, of remembering our original relationship to the seeds and, through them, to our ancestors” – Milkweed Editions Pieces a CBC Podcast – “Since the day he was old enough, Jeremy knew he […]

New Accessibility Feature in Canvas!

The Immersive Reader feature is now automatically enabled in both Canvas and Canvas Catalog! While this feature was previously available within the user settings menu, it is now more accessible through a default button located in the upper right corner. The button appears when viewing pages, assignments, course home page, and syllabus.  For more information, […]