Deciding How To Integrate Generative AI Into An Assignment

Further to the instructor decision-making flowchart around when to integrate GenAI into an assignment, below is an AI Assessment Scale adapted from the one developed by Lucas Wright based on work by Furze 2024 on how to integrate GenAI into assignments and assessments in general. A common theme in both is to start by deciding whether the integration of GenAI enhances the assignment and learning outcomes. There are four levels of options between no integration of GenAI to full integration of GenAI in assessments: supporting as a study-aid, enhancing brainstorming, editing original work, and generating content to be critically evaluated.

AI Assessment Scale

Gen AI Project Update:

The faculty involved in the GenAI assignment design projects are co-hosting with CTL a session at Celebrate learning Week (CLW). Don’t forget to register for our session, From Writing to Coding – Integrating Generative AI into Assignments, to meet our faculty collaborators and to learn about their assignments and their reflections on the process.